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Cool Kids Campaign sends customized care packages to all newly referred Cool Kids. These packages are filled with the child’s favorite things/requests/interests, Cool Kids swag, a gift for each sibling, age-appropriate reading material, gift cards, and coffee for the caregivers (generously donated by Baltimore Coffee and Tea. Not one care package is the same, making it so special for recipient.

Trees of Hope is our annual holiday toy drive. 3’ trees are decorated with ornaments that contain the gift wishes of current cool kids as well as our most requested items for care packages. Some items collected during the toy drive are gifted to Cool Kids and their siblings at our annual Christmas event, while everything else collected stocks our care package room for all the referrals we will receive the next year.

When businesses select Cool Kids Campaign as their charity of choice for the holidays, we deliver one of the trees, a tree skirt, and signage to be displayed. Employees or patrons can fulfill the wishes on the ornament and return them to the tree or send them directly to our clubhouse. There is also a completely “virtual” option if you do not wish to host a tree!

For more information or to get involved, please email:

Allison Wilt (allison@coolkidscampaign.org)

Renee Wooding (renee@coolkidscampaign.org)

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