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We’re so excited to be hosting our next Movie Night at an awesome new location: HIT + THE LAB!

Located in Timonium, HIT + THE LAB is an indoor fitness center with a large turf, yoga studios, and more.

HIT + THE LAB’s owner and fitness instructor Gina will lead the kids and parents through a fun fitness class, followed by dinner and a movie in the yoga studio. This program is a great opportunity for the kids to have tons of fun, release some energy at the end of the school week, and then kick back and relax while watching a movie with their friends.

Kids will have the opportunity to vote on which movie to watch!

Parents are welcome to stay for the event or drop the kids off and enjoy a night out!

Date: Friday, November 10th

Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm

Location: HIT + THE LAB Fitness Center (7 W Aylesbury Rd, Unit #M, Timonium MD 21093)

Click here to sign up!

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